Since I haven’t been blogging for a while, here is a list of some Chrome extensions you can’t miss.
- AdBlock Plus – I’m not sure how anyone can use a web browser without AdBlock. It’ll make sure you don’t see ads, anywhere.
- Pocket – If you have a tablet, this is the extension you need. Save interesting reads so you can access them later from your computer, smartphone or tablet. It also nicely extracts the text from the page, leaving it free of clutter.
- Google Tasks – Who doesn’t want to be able to save TODO items just by typing “t whatever” into the omnibox? I haven’t tried it, but some may prefer Better Google Tasks.
- HTTPS Everywhere – Protect your privacy when using insecure networks. This extension forces many popular sites to always encrypt communications.
- DoNotTrackMe – If you’re using AdBlock you won’t see ads, so what does it matter whether they are customized to your interests? Use this extension to stop ad networks from tracking you.
- Extra: Facebook Link Rewriter, Unsocial Reader for Facebook.
- Rapportive – For GMail users, this extension adds a sidebar with information about who you’re talking to (LinkedIn profile, etc).
- Google +1 Button – Add a “+1″ button to Chrome.
What extensions do you use? Let me know about your favorite one.
© Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals, 2012. |
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Post tags: chrome, recommendations